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ghSmart is the management consulting and assessment firm for CEOs and Investors
Xing - Powering Professional Networks
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If you have any questions about Gorilla Theory or want to enquire about getting some Gorilla Theory training or consultancy for your important projects, please fill out the form below.

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1000){$error_array[] .= "Message text is too long, limit: 1000 characters.";} if($_POST['email_to'] == "no_email") {$error_array[] .= "Please select which department you would like to send this message to.";} $email_to = $emailers[$clean_subject]; $subject = "Email from $clean_sender_email, originally sent on " . date("d/m/Y"); if ($_POST['submit']){ if(!$error_array){ //There is no error, send email $headers = 'From: ' . $clean_sender_email . '' . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: ' . $clean_sender_email . '' . "\r\n"; $message_text = "Name: $clean_name\nEmail: $clean_sender_email\nPhone Number: $clean_phone\n\nMessage: \n\n$clean_message_text"; if (mail($email_to, $subject, $message_text, $headers)) { $email_success = true; } } } ?>
- Contact The Gorilla Theory Team

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Your baby gorilla action plan
We have tailored the Gorilla Theory checklists for each of the three problem scenarios. You can buy the baby gorilla checklist pack or the full checklist pack.

The Baby Gorilla
The Baby Gorilla Project Management Scenario
They may seem cute at first, but they are stronger than they seem acan acn quickly overpower you.
The Troop
Troop of Gorillas Project Management Scenario
Several projects on the go? Worried about how to cope successfully? Find out how.
The Silverback
The big beast of a project. Find out how to know you have one, and how to avoid being crushed by their sheer size and power. Learn to tame one.